This Giving Tuesday, Keep EWTN
“Between Your Gas and Electric Bill” by Becoming a Monthly Donor!
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Eternal Word Television Network
5817 Old Leeds Rd. • Irondale, AL 35210
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Giving Tuesday, November 28, is a global day of generosity when people donate to causes that are making a difference in the world. Mother Angelica often asked her viewers to keep EWTN “between your gas and electric bill” to remind them of the importance of supporting the Network.

This Giving Tuesday, you can support EWTN by becoming a monthly donor!

Joy Pinto, co-host of EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy, is a monthly donor. She says,

I believe in EWTN. I believe the world needs EWTN, especially now, when we are being fed lies. It is EWTN that lifts up the truth and empowers me to be a better Catholic. EWTN catechized me, and I want to help others.

Join Joy – and many others – as you tell the world, “Jesus loves you!” by becoming one of EWTN’s 1,000 new monthly donors this Giving Tuesday. Will you sign up today?

Don’t delay. Sign up to become an EWTN monthly donor now by using the secure form.

Other Ways to Give
To make a gift by phone, please call:
If you prefer, you may mail your gift to: 5817 Old Leeds Rd. • Irondale, AL 35210