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Eternal Word Television Network
5817 Old Leeds Rd. • Irondale, AL 35210
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We hope this resource will help you to reflect on the gift of spiritual fatherhood and discipleship through the heart of St. Joseph.

Before you go, there are a few things we’d like you to know …

  • EWTN is able to help people grow in their love and understanding of the Lord and His Church because of generous people just like you who have supported this mission.
  • At EWTN, people find nourishment for their faith through broadcasts of the Daily Mass, the Holy Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, children’s programming, news from a Catholic perspective, and much more!
  • While EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world, reaching millions of people every week on television, radio, and online, we want to reach more souls with the Gospel message.

With your gift of any amount today, you can help us share more spiritual resources with those who need to hear the message of God’s love and mercy.

Don’t delay. Please make your gift using the secure form.

Other Ways to Give
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If you prefer, you may mail your gift to: 5817 Old Leeds Rd. • Irondale, AL 35210