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Go to the Eucharist

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Summary and Prayer

PAGES 89-104

At the Wedding Feast of Cana, our Blessed Mother shows us that we can go to Jesus for what we need. Of course, God knows what we need, even more than we do ourselves, but we need to humbly go to Him confident of His care.

When you give Him your fears and your failings, He will work in your life. Remember that every moment is an opportunity to grow our capacity to know God and love God—and the Gift of the Eucharist will be our special help.

When we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, we are given an intimate union with Him. It is the foundation of our life as Christians, and it is this union with Christ that gives us the grace we need to live the life God is calling us to. Just as physical bread nourishes our body, the Eucharist nourishes our soul, heals us from our sins, strengthens our virtue, and equips us to love our fellow man.


“And she said to the servants, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’”


O Lord, my Savior, you are truly present in the Eucharist, body, blood, soul, and divinity. Inspire me to marvel at the mystery of simple bread and wine becoming you. Bring me into deeper communion with you, accept my fears and my failings, and grant me the grace I need to live a life worthy of you.


Reflections and Resources


How often do I tell God what He should do, instead of asking Him to guide me?

How can I heed Mary’s words and “do whatever He tells you”?

Do I believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist?

What can I do to deepen my understanding of and love for the Eucharist?

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God in the Details

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Summary and Prayer

PAGES 73-88

Do you ever think that maybe God is too busy, or that He has so many important things going on, that He does not have the time to care about the little details of your life?

Mother Angelica emphasizes that Jesus cares about every aspect of your life; you are of infinite value to God, and that means every part of your life is valuable to Him. The little things? That is your path to holiness.

If we give the Lord the details of our lives, especially the difficult ones, they can become a springboard for our spiritual growth. Nothing is insignificant, and you are not insignificant. God cares about every little detail in your life, and He wants every part of your life to be whole and holy.

The details of your life can either drain you, or they can nourish you. Let God into the scraps of your life, and He will not let them go to waste.


“When they had eaten enough, He said to His disciples, ‘Pick up the pieces left over, so that nothing is wasted.’”


A prayer from Mother Angelica: “Lord, I am in an impossible situation. I trust you. Lord, my life in the past has not been what I would have liked it to be. But I’m giving it to You. And in giving it to You, I know that although the scraps in my life are rather scrappy and a little bit dirty, with Your hand upon them they will be nourishing and nourish my soul.”


Reflections and Resources


What part of my life would I prefer God didn’t see?

How can that scrap make me holy?

How difficult is it for me to acknowledge my need for God?

How would situations in my life change if in difficult moments, I whispered, Jesus, I trust in you?

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True Humility

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Summary and Prayer

PAGES 57-72

Humility often is misunderstood. But Mother Angelica explains it very simply: Humility is truth. And that means we look to God in everything, and we look at ourselves through the eyes of God.

The humble man admits when he makes a mistake, but he doesn’t despair. He is not surprised when he falls; he knows how frail and weak he is. Instead, the humble man acknowledges that he needs God’s help, that he cannot do anything on his own. He is able to ask for God’s help, to gratefully accept it, and to trust in God’s providential care.

The humble man also acknowledges that every single one of his talents, every moment of virtue, every success, is because of God—and not because of himself. He gives all the credit to God.

And because everything is God’s, the humble man seeks to use his talents for the kingdom of God, to give himself totally out of love for God and for the good of his neighbor. The humble man never judges someone else, because he knows all too well that if he were in similar circumstances, he could very well do the same thing.


“He had always loved those who were His in the world, but now He showed how perfect His love was.”


O most loving Jesus, thank you for showing me what love really is, both on the Cross and in your life here on earth. You are God of the universe, and yet, you humbled yourself to become a man, and even washed your disciples’ feet. Make me humble. Help me to acknowledge my need for you, to beg for your help daily, to give all credit to you, and to seek to serve both you and my neighbor in everything.


Reflections and Resources


Do I have a sin that I think is too great for God? Ask for His mercy and His healing.

How does seeing humility as truth change my perception of humility?

Where do I need to give credit to God?

Is my life built on the rock of God, or is it built on the world?

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Happiness or Joy?

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Summary and Prayer

PAGES 37-53

What makes you happy? Perhaps it’s little things, like a beautiful day, your favorite food, or receiving a gift. Maybe it’s spending time with family or friends.

There are many good people, things, and experiences in the world that can give us pleasant feelings of happiness. But happiness is something that comes from outside of ourselves, and those feelings are fleeting. We cannot sustain the feelings of happiness without those external things. And even when we have those things, we often find happiness fades.

Joy is very different. Joy is not dependent on anything external; rather, it remains and does not fade even in the trials of life. This is because joy is something that God gives us. And as Jesus tells us, the joy that He gives us no one can take away.

When our focus is on God, on heaven, instead of the world, we are able to become more fully who God created us to be. And we do not lose our joy because something bad or difficult happens. Instead, we see trials as an opportunity, an opportunity to be like Jesus.


“My brothers, you will always have your trials but, when they come, try to treat them as a happy privilege.”


O Divine Savior, Healer of my soul, I look to you on the Cross. Remind me that you alone are the source of my joy, you who triumphed over pain, suffering, and death. I give you everything, every moment of pain, every regret, and every trial so that you can transform it for your glory. Heal my heart so that I can love and forgive, no matter what.


Reflections and Resources


Where do I look to in the world for happiness?

How can I focus more on heaven and less on the world?

What trial can I view as an opportunity to love and grow closer to Jesus?

Who do I need to forgive?

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