Saints & Feast Days



All Saints Day

All Saints Day honors the saints in Heaven – those who have been recognized by the Church as saints, as well as those who have not been canonized. The feast was established in Rome as a result of the emperor’s giving of the Pantheon (the temple to all the gods) to the Church and its dedication to St. Mary and All the Martyrs.
learn more about All Saints Day



All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
The Church is composed of the faithful living upon the earth and those who have gone before us. The latter includes the Saints in Heaven and the faithful Souls being purified in Purgatory. Just as on November 1st we honor those who are with God, on November 2nd Catholics celebrate a Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed.
learn more about All Souls Day



Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

This feast day celebrates the anniversary of the Dedication of Rome’s Lateran Basilica in 324 A.D. In that year, Pope Sylvester established his cathedral and residence on property given to the Church by the Emperor Constantine. As the Cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, and the Pope, it is the highest ranking church in the world.
learn more about Dedication of the Lateran Basilica



Christ the King

Christ the King is one of the most important titles of Jesus. Even though Jesus Christ was not a king in the earthly sense, He is the divine King of the Universe, who unites all of creation with the Father.
learn more about Christ the King

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