Seasons and Feast Days



Presentation of the Lord

This feast day celebrates both the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, as well as the Purification of Mary, which was required by the Mosaic Law forty days after the birth of a child.
learn more about Presentation of the Lord



Chair of St. Peter

The “chair” to which this feast refers is the cathedra, or office, of the Apostle Peter. Given by Christ to St. Peter (Matthew 16:13-18), Peter’s supreme pastoral office is passed to each of his successors as Bishop of Rome, that is, where Peter last served and where he died a martyr.
learn more about Chair of St. Peter




Lent is the liturgical season of "preparation for the celebration of Easter. For the Lenten liturgy disposes both catechumens and the faithful to celebrate the paschal mystery: catechumens, through the several stages of Christian initiation; the faithful, through reminders of their own baptism and through penitential practices" (General Instruction of the Roman Calendar).
learn more about Lent



St. Joseph

Patron Saint of the Universal Church, Unborn Babies, Families, Fathers, Immigrants, Social Justice, Carpenters, those Seeking Employment, Realtors, a Happy Death
After the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph is the greatest of the saints. He is the one “into whose custody God entrusted his most precious treasures,” Jesus and Mary.
learn more about St. Joseph

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