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You’ll also be receiving weekly emails from Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, MFVA, on Ash Wednesday, each Sunday of Lent, and Easter Sunday. We hope these reflections inspire you as you prepare your heart during the sacred season of Lent.

Mother Angelica (1923-2016) founded EWTN in 1981 with the mission of proclaiming God’s love and mercy to the world. Every day on EWTN, you’ll find faith-filled programs and content dedicated to advancing the Truth and drawing people closer to God.

EWTN is brought to you by you. We do not receive funding from the Church, advertisers, cable companies, or satellite providers. Your gift now will inspire more people with the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word.

To grow even closer to Jesus Christ, the Suffering Servant, please, join us for The Seven Last Words EWTN Online Learning Series with EWTN Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe, MFVA.