Seasons and Feast Days




The Solemnity of the Annunciation is celebrated nine months before the Nativity of the Lord, a feast that came about earlier historically. The Annunciation recalls the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary and revealed God’s will that she become the Mother of the Son of God and she accepted. At that moment, the “Word became Flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).
learn more about Annunciation



Holy Week

Holy Week honors the week that changed the world. From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, there were many events that are vital to our faith, including the Institution of the Eucharist, the Passion of Jesus, and His Resurrection from the dead.
learn more about Holy Week




Easter is the most joyous day of the Christian calendar, the day that celebrates the most wonderful event in the history of mankind. Jesus Christ rose from the dead. In 2025, we celebrate Easter on April 20.
learn more about Easter



St. Mark

Patron Saint of the Coptic Church, Egypt itself, the city of Venice, Italy, Lawyers
The Church celebrates the Feast Day of St. Mark, Apostle and Evangelist, on April 25. He was one of the four writers of the Gospels, who provide us with a clear account of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. We know St. Mark, therefore, mostly through his authorship of the second Gospel­­–the Gospel according to St. Mark. From elsewhere in Scripture, he is also known to have accompanied Paul and Barnabas on their journeys.  From tradition, he is known to have been the secretary of St. Peter and the founder of the Church in Alexandria, Egypt.
learn more about St. Mark

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