

Feast Day

Blessed Carlo Acutis

Patron Saint of Computer Programmers, Internet, Youth



Countdown to the Canonization of the First Millennial Saint

“The Eucharist is the Highway to Heaven.”

– Bl. Carlo Acutis

Born in 1991, Carlo was in the middle of the Millennial generation. With a love for video games, films, sports, and normal “kid” activities, he showed us that everyday people can become holy. With wisdom far beyond his 15 years of life, Carlo now continues to teach us about Eucharistic devotion, evangelization, and love of the saints.


Who is Bl. Carlo Acutis?

Carlo Acutis The First Millennial Saint On The Path To Sainthood

Bl. Carlo was known among his friends and family as being incredibly humble and kind. He was approachable and friendly – not proud and distant. He wanted to reach people where they were in their journey of faith. With a deep love for God and for others, Carlo had a desire to evangelize to the world.

Pope St. John Paul II called Christians to a new evangelization. When he was only eleven years old, Carlo answered this call to the new evangelization by designing a website that included 150 Eucharistic miracles. He completed the website the year before he died.

Since that time, his website has been turned into a traveling exhibition that has been to many countries on five continents. Countless people have been strengthened in their faith due to this website and exhibition. Even as a teenager, Carlo was able to reach the world with the message of Jesus.

Bl. Carlo experienced much suffering at the end of his life. As Carlo was dying of leukemia, a doctor asked him about his pain. He responded, “There are people who suffer much more than me.”

Carlo Acutis is Set for Canonization

Watch live adoration

Carlo was beatified in 2020 by Pope Francis, making him the first Millennial to be called “Blessed.” He is set to be canonized on:




“The more Eucharist we receive, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on earth we will have a foretaste of heaven.”

– Bl. Carlo Acutis

Carlo and His Devotion to the Holy Eucharist

I Am With You

A Documentary on Carlo Acutis

Filmed on location in Italy, this EWTN original documentary chronicles the life and witness of Bl. Carlo Acutis. It features photos, interviews, and recollections with family, friends, and others who knew him.


The Apostle of the Eucharist

Bl. Carlo’s love for the Eucharist cannot be overstated. Even though his parents were not particularly religious, Carlo encouraged them to go to Mass frequently as a family. He would also ask his mom to take him to Eucharistic Adoration.

Just after he made his first Communion, Carlo also encouraged his family to consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart. Carlo understood that Jesus’ Sacred Heart and the Holy Eucharist are one and the same.

When he was eleven years old, Carlo wanted to teach the world about the Eucharist, so he created a website that cataloged all of the approved Eucharistic miracles, such as the miracle of Lanciano.


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