

Feast Day

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Patron Saint of Students, Young Catholics, Mountaineers, and Youth Groups

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Countdown to Canonization

Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, like Sts. Kateri Tekakwitha and Thérèse of Lisieux before him, lived a short 24 years. But in that time this 20th-century Italian man made an indelible mark on those he met. Pope St. John Paul II called him the “Man of the Eight Beatitudes,” and to this day Frassati inspires people with his love for God and for others.

Who is Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati?

Pier Giorgio Frassati Photo: To The Top - Pier Giorgio Frassati

Pier Giorgio Frassati was only 24 when he died, but even as a young man his deep love of Christ led him to question everything about the world around him. For example, the many hours he spent in a home for people with disabilities caused him to wonder why people need good health – an uncommon question. His conclusion? “It is an injustice to be in perfect health and not put it at the service of other people in need; to have strength and not use it for the love of your neighbor.”

This is just one of the many things we learn about Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati in a fascinating new film that bears his name and the phrase “To the Top,” which refers to both the mountains this budding saint loved to climb with his fellow students and his constant striving to reach the summit of eternal life.

Read more at EWTN Wings


To The Top

Watch Full Movie

Pier Giorgio Frassati was beatified in 1990 by Pope St. John Paul II. He is set to be canonized on August 3, 2025.



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