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Your Free eBook, Father Spitzer Answers 18 Questions About the Shroud of Turin, Is on Its Way to Your Inbox

Father Spitzer Image

In this insightful eBook, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the Shroud of Turin – believed to be Jesus’ burial cloth. You’ll also discover the problems with the 1988 carbon dating, how the Shroud relates to the Divine Mercy image and the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and much more! Be inspired by Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., as he explores the connection between science, philosophy, and faith. 

In this chaotic world, strengthening the Faith is essential to rise above the noise and remain grounded in Truth. You can help advance the Gospel message and share God’s love with more people around the world.

EWTN is brought to you by you. We do not receive funding from the Church, advertisers, cable companies, or satellite providers. Free spiritual resources like this eBook are only possible because of supporters like you who believe in proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel.

Your Free Mother Angelica Prayer and Medallion Card Is on Its Way!

Ma Medallion Card L Ts V3

Our Foundress, Mother Angelica (1923-2016), had a deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. She knew that God’s love and mercy have the power to heal our wounded world. May this beautiful prayer and medallion card be a reminder to grow closer to Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

You can bring comfort, hope, and love to a hurting world filled with selfishness, cruelty, materialism, and a culture of death. People desperately need the message of the Gospel and the Truth and hope of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word.

Your gift to EWTN will change lives. Each day, EWTN broadcasts daily Mass, the Holy Rosary, documentaries on the saints, and news from a Catholic perspective. This is only possible with the support of you, our EWTN Family.

Your Free eBook, Mother Angelica’s Reflections on Mercy,
Is on Its Way to Your Inbox!

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Your Free eBook, Mother Angelica’s Reflections on Mercy,
Is on Its Way to Your Inbox!

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