Journey with Jesus

In His Sandals

Join the EWTN Family for Fr. Joseph’s In His Sandals learn series

In this six-part online book study, EWTN Chaplain, Fr. Joseph, guides us through the practical wisdom and insights of In His Sandals, a book written by EWTN foundress, Mother Angelica. The online videos and digital study guide invite you to entrust yourself to Jesus, who loves you infinitely and experience His immeasurable mercy. Each day’s meditation, prayer, and reflection questions are available at your own pace. They will help you let the Divine Physician heal your wounds with His saving balm. Give Him all the pieces of your life, and let Him guide you and multiply your blessings.

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About Father Joseph

Fr. Joseph Mary Wolfe knew Mother Angelica well, discovering his vocation to the priesthood while working for her at EWTN. He had been working as an engineer for General Electric Medical Systems when he first saw Mother Angelica on EWTN. The show kept dropping on and off the air, and she said, “As you can see, we need an engineer.” He answered that need and came to work as an engineer for EWTN in 1985. On May 2, 1987, he entered the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, becoming one of its founding members. He continued working as an engineer as a brother before entering seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 11, 1993, and served as the Community Servant for seven years. Fr. Joseph currently serves as the Dean of the Chapel for EWTN, as well as hosts a variety of EWTN programs, including An EWTN Holy Land Experience and The Church Universal.

Father Joseph Main Page
In His Sandals Ebook

Get a copy of In His Sandals

In His Sandals, by EWTN foundress Mother Angelica, is the basis for this online learning series. The book is not necessary to participate, but if you want to read along, you can make a donation today of $35 or more, and we will mail you a copy of In His Sandals. With your gift, you are helping us to provide more faith-filled programs and also resources like this online series. You may also purchase this book through EWTN Religious Catalogue.

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Your Faith Journey with EWTN

As we deepen our relationship with the Eternal Word, Jesus Christ, we grow in grace and are transformed by His love and mercy.